Saturday, November 8, 2008

Poems and a Book

I have the latest 3 poems up on fictionpress site. Some are spiritual, and some are about life. I don't always write novels, and right now my priority is to find a job in something I can learn a trade so I can do it on my own and hire myself out. I am going to an interview on Monday, and why someone says its a scam, I did research and I find and found it not to be so. There is a potiential that it is a scam, but I doubt it.

My projects are temporarily put on hold. I can write and publish, but I can't go out and film cause the economy is at pot and I don't feel now is the time to ask for any investments.

Check out my latest poetry on

You are looking at the first 3 entries on the top of the profile, and you can buy the latest books on the lulu site. You can either download them as ebooks, or buy them in hard back.

You don't know what's in store, until you read them, and find that they are a one of a kind, and then you will want to know why it took so long to buy them.

Arielle Sag

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