Thursday, July 24, 2008

TV-Pilot Update

The tv pilot I plan on shooting isn't being ignored. I'm trying to bring up my equity so I can afford to hire individuals for the shoot.

Hense, if I sell any of my scripts to this Executive Producer, I will be using the money to pay bills, school, and divide it up for stocks, some for my mutual fund, pay off my car, and pay off my loan for the computer and camera. the rest will go into a savings account that I'll open, pay the retention fee, and then I'll hire an accountant for myself, so by the end of the year, I can bring in equity to the table when dealing with my projects. 

I might hire a screenplay writer to write the first pilot off a version of mine to last an hour long for tv. I haven't decided. 

If you want to know more, leave a comment here. 

Arielle Screenplay Productions  

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